In step 1, select all the conditions that apply to your rule by clicking the boxes next to each condition. The condition can be as simple as marking all messages from someone, or as complex as marking only messages from someone with a particular word in the subject. In Step 2, click on the underlined words to specify the conditions you selected in step 1.ĥ. The Rules Wizard will appear on the screen. The rule can either be created from a generic template or from a blank rule. To create a rule to place messages from someone into a particular folder, select the first template listed under Stay Organized and click Next. This document will explain the process when using a template.Ĥ. From the File tab, click Manage Rules & Alerts.ģ. From the menu, select Tools, and then select Rules and Alerts.Ģ.
To create a rule, launch Outlook. You must be viewing mail to configure rules. Microsoft Outlook provides a way for users to manage and organize their email using rules. A rule is a condition or action set by the user to organize mail messages either sent or received by the user. For example, rules can be applied to save messages from a distribution list to a specific folder or to move messages with certain subject words into a folder. This document explains how to create rules with all versions of Microsoft Outlook: 2003, 2007, 2010, and 2013.